4. Addition-Substraction Method example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Examples
Other related methods
  1. Substitution method
  2. Elimination method
  3. Cross Multiplication method
  4. Addition-Substraction method
  5. Graphical method
  6. Inverse matrix method
  7. Cramer's Rule method

3. Cross Multiplication method
(Previous method)
5. Graphical method
(Next method)

1. Examples

1. Solve linear equations 7x-8y=11 and 8x-7y=7 using Addition-Substraction Method


and `8x-7y=7`

`=>7x-8y=11 ->(i)`

`=>8x-7y=7 ->(ii)`

Adding Equation `(i)` and `(ii)`, we get


`=>5x-5y=6 ->(iii)` (On simplifying)

Subtracting Equation `(ii)` from `(i)`, we get


`=>x+y=-4 ->(iv)` (On simplifying)

Now solving these equations `(iii)` and `(iv)` using substitution method

`5x-5y=6 ->(1)`

and `x+y=-4 ->(2)`

Taking equation `(2)`, we have


`=>x=-y-4 ->(3)`

Putting `x=-y-4` in equation `(1)`, we get







`=>y=-13/5 ->(4)`

Now, Putting `y=-13/5` in equation `(3)`, we get





`:.x=-7/5" and "y=-13/5`

2. Solve linear equations -6x+5y=2 and -5x+6y=9 using Addition-Substraction Method



and `-5x+6y=9`


`=>6x-5y=-2 ->(i)`

`=>5x-6y=-9 ->(ii)`

Adding Equation `(i)` and `(ii)`, we get


`=>x-y=-1 ->(iii)` (On simplifying)

Subtracting Equation `(ii)` from `(i)`, we get


`=>x+y=7 ->(iv)` (On simplifying)

Now solving these equations `(iii)` and `(iv)` using substitution method

`x-y=-1 ->(1)`

and `x+y=7 ->(2)`

Taking equation `(1)`, we have


`=>x=y-1 ->(3)`

Putting `x=y-1` in equation `(2)`, we get







`=>y=4 ->(4)`

Now, Putting `y=4` in equation `(3)`, we get




`:.x=3" and "y=4`

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3. Cross Multiplication method
(Previous method)
5. Graphical method
(Next method)

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