1. Find a root of an equation `f(x)=x^3-x-1` using Ridder's methodSolution:Here `x^3-x-1=0`
Let `f(x) = x^3-x-1`
`x_1=1` and `x_2=2`
`f_1=-1 < 0` and `f_2= 5 > 0`
`1^(st)` iteration :`x_3=0.5(x_1+x_2)=0.5(1+2)=1.5`
Here, `f_1 < f_2`, So we use minus sign
As the root lies in the interval `(x_3,x_4)`, we let
`x_1=x_3=1.5` and `f_1=f_3=0.875`
`x_2=x_4=1.3178` and `f_2=f_4=-0.0293`
which are the starting point for the next iteration
`2^(nd)` iteration :`x_3=0.5(x_1+x_2)=0.5(1.5+1.3178)=1.4089`
Here, `f_1 > f_2`, So we use plus sign
Approximate root of the equation `x^3-x-1=0` using Ridder's method is `1.3247` (After 2 iterations)