Method and examples
Two point Forward difference formula
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estimate `f^(')` or `f^('')` ()
difference formula
  1. 1. Using Two point Forward difference formula

    estimate `f^'(1.10)`,`f^('')(1.10)`
  2. 1. Using Two point Forward difference formula

    estimate `f^'(1.15)`,`f^('')(1.15)`
f(x) =
estimate `f^(')` or `f^('')` ()
h =
difference formula
  1. `f(x)=cosx` and `h = 0.05`, estimate `f^'(1.2)`,`f^('')(1.2)`
    using Two point Forward difference formula
    Also find exact value of f', f'' and error for each estimation
  2. `f(x)=2x^3+x^2-4` and `h = 0.5`, estimate `f^'(2.5)`,`f^('')(2.5)`
    using Two point Forward difference formula
    Also find exact value of f', f'' and error for each estimation
  3. `f(x)=xlnx` and `h = 1`, estimate `f^'(5)`,`f^('')(5)`
    using Two point Forward difference formula
    Also find exact value of f', f'' and error for each estimation
  4. `f(x)=sinx` and `h = 0.1`, estimate `f^'(0.8)`,`f^('')(0.8)`
    using Two point Forward difference formula
    Also find exact value of f', f'' and error for each estimation
Decimal Place =
Trigonometry Function Mode =
For first derivatives : Two-point FDF, BDF, CDF
For second derivatives : Two-point (None)

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