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Method and examples
Centroid of a triangle

5. Find Centroid, Circumcenter, Area of a triangle
1. Find the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are `A(4,-6),B(3,-2),C(5,2)`
2. Find the circumcentre of a triangle whose vertices are `A(-2,-3),B(-1,0),C(7,-6)`
3. Using determinants, find the area of the triangle with vertices are `A(-3,5),B(3,-6),C(7, 2)`
4. Using determinants show that the following points are collinear `A(2,3),B(-1,-2),C(5,8)`

A ( , ) , B ( , ) , C ( , )
  1. `A(4,-6),B(3,-2),C(5,2)`
  2. `A(3,-5),B(-7,4),C(10,-2)`
  3. `A(4,-8),B(-9,7),C(8,13)`
  4. `A(3,-7),B(-8,6),C(5,10)`
  5. `A(2,4),B(6,4),C(2,0)`

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