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Coding Decoding

Please enter all codes in 'CAPTITAL' letters and in single quotes like
If 'PAINT' is coded as '74128' and 'EXCEL' is coded as '93596', then 'ACCEPT' is coded as ?
PAINT=74128, EXCEL=93596, ACCEPT=?

  1. If 'TAP' is coded as 'SZO', then 'FREEZE' is coded as ?
  2. If 'CALCUTTA' is coded as 'GEPGYXXE', then which word would be coded as 'FSQFCE' ?
  3. If 'SIKKIM' is coded as 'THLJJL', then 'TRAINING' is coded as ?
  4. If 'FORGE' is coded as 'FPTJI', then 'CULPRIT' is coded as ?
  5. If 'PAINT' is coded as '74128', 'EXCEL' is coded as '93596', then 'ACCEPT' is coded as ?
  6. If 'CONSUME' is coded as 'CEMNOSU', 'COMPEL' is coded as 'CELMOP', then 'ENGLISH' is coded as ?
  7. If 'DIUGNAL' is coded as 'LANGUID', then 'ELKCAHSA' is coded as ?
  8. If 'MUNICIPALITY' is coded as 'INUMAPICYTIL', then 'JUDICIAL' is coded as ?
  9. If 'GO' is coded as '32', 'SHE' is coded as '49', then 'SOME' is coded as ?
  10. If 'AT' is coded as '20', 'BAT' is coded as '40', then 'CAT' is coded as ?
  11. If 'PRATAP' is coded as '1618120116', then 'NAVIN' is coded as ?
  12. If 'drink fruit juice' is coded as 'iee see pee', 'juice is sweet' is coded as 'see kee lee', 'he is intelligent' is coded as 'lee ree mee', then 'sweet' is coded as ?

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