1. Find Prime factorization of 72 using Factor tree method
Prime factorization of a number using Factor tree method : Step-1: Find any factor pair of the given number and use these numbers to create two branches. Step-2: If a factor is prime then that branch is complete and circle that prime. Step-3: If a factor is not prime then find it's factor pair and continue the process until all the branches are completed Step-4: Write product of all the circled primes.
72 factors into `2xx36`. We write these factors under 72
2 is prime, so we circle it. 36 is composite and it factors into `2xx18`. We write these factors under 36
2 is prime, so we circle it. 18 is composite and it factors into `2xx9`. We write these factors under 18
3 is prime, so we circle it. 9 is composite and it factors into `3xx3`. We write these factors under 9
3 and 3 are primes, so we circle it.
The prime factorization is the product of the circled primes `72=2 xx 2 xx 2 xx 3 xx 3`
We can write prime factorization in exponential form `72=2^3 xx 3^2`