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Find wrong number in the sequence 5,7,9,10,13,15 calculator
Number Series :
- Even, Odd series
- Difference is common number (Arithemetic progression)
- Multiplication by common number (Geometric progression)
- Prime series
- Power series
- Fibonacci series
- and many more...
1. Find next number in the sequence `1,3,5,7,9`
1 | | 3 | | 5 | | 7 | | 9 | | 11 | | `+`2 | | `+`2 | | `+`2 | | `+`2 | | `+`2 |
`:.` The next number for given series `1,3,5,7,9` is `11`
2. Find next number in the sequence `3,7,15,31,63`
3 | | 7 | | 15 | | 31 | | 63 | | 127 | | `xx2 +1` | | `xx2 +1` | | `xx2 +1` | | `xx2 +1` | | `xx2 +1` |
`:.` The next number for given series `3,7,15,31,63` is `127`