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Permutation & combination calculator

1. Find `n!`
n = !
  1. `3!`
  2. `4!`
  3. `5!`
  4. `6!`
  5. `7!`
  6. `8!`

2. Find `(n!)/(m!)`

  1. `(3!)/(2!)`
  2. `(4!)/(5!)`
  3. `(5!)/(3!)`
  4. `(6!)/(4!)`
  5. `(7!)/(8!)`
  6. `(8!)/(6!)`

3. Find `{::}^nP_r`
n = , r =
  1. `{::}^(3)P_(2)`
  2. `{::}^(4)P_(4)`
  3. `{::}^(5)P_(3)`
  4. `{::}^(6)P_(4)`
  5. `{::}^(7)P_(5)`
  6. `{::}^(8)P_(6)`

4. Find `{::}^nC_r`
n = , r =
  1. `{::}^(3)C_(2)`
  2. `{::}^(4)C_(4)`
  3. `{::}^(5)C_(3)`
  4. `{::}^(6)C_(4)`
  5. `{::}^(7)C_(5)`
  6. `{::}^(8)C_(6)`

5. How many words can be formed from the letters of the word daughter?
How many words can be formed by using all letters of the word
  1. daughter
  2. sister
  3. mother
  4. father
  5. brother

6. How many ways a committee of players can be formed ?
From a group of
a committee of
  1. From a group of 6 Men, 5 Women. In how many ways a committee of 3 Men, 2 Women can be formed ?
  2. From a group of 7 Men, 6 Women. 5 persons are to be selected, so that atleast 3 Men are there in the committee.
  3. From a group of 15 Player. In how many ways a committee of 11 Player can be formed ?
  4. From a group of 6 boys, 4 girls. 4 persons are to be selected, so that atleast 1 boys are there in the committee.
  5. From a group of 2 white, 3 black, 4 red. 3 persons are to be selected, so that atleast 1 black are there in the committee.

7. Permutation, Combination List
n = , r =
Is order important?  
Is repetition allowed?  
List variables :
  1. `n=3, r=2`
  2. `n=4, r=4`
  3. `n=5, r=3`
  4. `n=6, r=4`
  5. `n=7, r=5`
  6. `n=8, r=6`

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