6. Fitting exponential equation (y=ax^b) - Curve fitting example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Formula & Examples (taking log)
  2. Formula & Examples (taking ln)
Other related methods
  1. Straight line (y = a + bx)
  2. Second degree parabola `(y = a + bx + cx^2)`
  3. Cubic equation `(y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3)`
  4. Exponential equation `(y=ae^(bx))`
  5. Exponential equation `(y=ab^x)`
  6. Exponential equation `(y=ax^b)`

5. Exponential equation `(y=ab^x)`
(Previous method)
2. Formula & Examples (taking ln)
(Next example)

1. Formula & Examples (taking log)

The exponential equation is `y=ax^b`
taking logarithm on both sides, we get



`log_(10)y=log_(10)a+b log_(10)x`

`Y=A+bX` where `Y=log_(10)y, A=log_(10)a, X=log_(10)x`

which linear in Y,X

So the corresponding normal equations are

`sum Y = nA + b sum X`

`sum XY = A sum X + b sum X^2`

1. Calculate Fitting exponential equation `(y=ax^b)` - Curve fitting using Least square method

The curve to be fitted is `y=ax^b`

taking logarithm on both sides, we get
`log_(10)y=log_(10)a+b log_(10)x`

`Y=A+bX` where `Y=log_(10)y, A=log_(10)a, X=log_(10)x`

which linear in Y,X
So the corresponding normal equations are
`sum Y = nA + b sum X`

`sum XY = A sum X + b sum X^2`

The values are calculated using the following table
`sum x=14``sum y=360.9``sum X=2.0792``sum Y=7.4854``sum X^2=1.1693``sum X*Y=4.0618`

Substituting these values in the normal equations


Solving these two equations using Elimination method,



and `2.0792a+1.1693b=4.0618`


`4a+2.0792b=7.4854 ->(1)`

`2.0792a+1.1693b=4.0618 ->(2)`

equation`(1) xx 1.1693 =>4.6772a+2.431209b=8.752678`

equation`(2) xx 2.0792 =>4.323073a+2.431209b=8.445295`

Substracting `=>0.354127a=0.307384`



Putting `a=0.868003` in equation `(2)`, we have






`:. a=0.868003" and "b=1.930256`

we obtain `A=0.868,b=1.9303`

`:. a=antilog_10(A)=antilog_10(0.868)=7.3791`

Now substituting this values in the equation is `y = a x^b`, we get

`y = 7.3791 * x^(1.9303)`

This material is intended as a summary. Use your textbook for detail explanation.
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5. Exponential equation `(y=ab^x)`
(Previous method)
2. Formula & Examples (taking ln)
(Next example)

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