Home > Pre-Algebra calculators > Hexadecimal To Gray code conversion example

Hexadecimal To Gray Code converter example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Examples
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  31. Decimal To Gray Code converter
  32. Binary To Gray Code converter
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  34. Hexadecimal To Gray Code converter
  35. Gray Code To Decimal converter
  36. Gray Code To Binary converter
  37. Gray Code To Octal converter
  38. Gray Code To Hexadecimal converter

1. Examples

1. (A1)16 = (      ?      )Gray Code

(A1)16 = (_______)GrayCode

1. Convert hexadecimal to binary
(A1)16 = (_______)2

A 1
1010 0001

`:.` (A1)16 = (10100001)2

2. Convert binary to GrayCode
Binary code : `10100001`

Method-1: (Binary to Gray code)

`g_6=b_7 o+ b_6=1 o+ 0=1`

`g_5=b_6 o+ b_5=0 o+ 1=1`

`g_4=b_5 o+ b_4=1 o+ 0=1`

`g_3=b_4 o+ b_3=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_2=b_3 o+ b_2=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_1=b_2 o+ b_1=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_0=b_1 o+ b_0=0 o+ 1=1`

`:.` Gray code : `11110001`

Method-2: (Binary to Gray code)
Binary code
`b_7 o+ b_6`
`1 o+ 0`
`b_6 o+ b_5`
`0 o+ 1`
`b_5 o+ b_4`
`1 o+ 0`
`b_4 o+ b_3`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_3 o+ b_2`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_2 o+ b_1`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_1 o+ b_0`
`0 o+ 1`
Gray code

`:.` Gray code : `11110001`

`:.` (A1)16 = (11110001)GrayCode
2. (123)16 = (      ?      )Gray Code

(123)16 = (_______)GrayCode

1. Convert hexadecimal to binary
(123)16 = (_______)2

1 2 3
0001 0010 0011

`:.` (123)16 = (100100011)2

2. Convert binary to GrayCode
Binary code : `100100011`

Method-1: (Binary to Gray code)

`g_7=b_8 o+ b_7=1 o+ 0=1`

`g_6=b_7 o+ b_6=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_5=b_6 o+ b_5=0 o+ 1=1`

`g_4=b_5 o+ b_4=1 o+ 0=1`

`g_3=b_4 o+ b_3=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_2=b_3 o+ b_2=0 o+ 0=0`

`g_1=b_2 o+ b_1=0 o+ 1=1`

`g_0=b_1 o+ b_0=1 o+ 1=0`

`:.` Gray code : `110110010`

Method-2: (Binary to Gray code)
Binary code
`b_8 o+ b_7`
`1 o+ 0`
`b_7 o+ b_6`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_6 o+ b_5`
`0 o+ 1`
`b_5 o+ b_4`
`1 o+ 0`
`b_4 o+ b_3`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_3 o+ b_2`
`0 o+ 0`
`b_2 o+ b_1`
`0 o+ 1`
`b_1 o+ b_0`
`1 o+ 1`
Gray code

`:.` Gray code : `110110010`

`:.` (123)16 = (110110010)GrayCode

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