Home > Algebra calculators > Set Theory - is Belongs to a set

Is Belongs to a set, eg. 0 belongsto A example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Examples
Other related methods
  1. Union of sets
  2. Intersection of sets
  3. Complement of a set
  4. Power set
  5. Difference of two sets
  6. Symmetric difference of sets
  7. (Cartesian product) Cross product of two sets
  8. Prove that any two expression is equal or not
  9. Cardinality of a set
  10. Is Belongs to a set
  11. Is Subset of a set
  12. Is two set Equal or not

9. Cardinality of a set
(Previous method)
11. Is Subset of a set
(Next method)

1. Examples

1. A = {1,2,3,4}, Find 0 belongsto A ...

Here `A={1,2,3,4}`

is `0 in A = 0 in {1,2,3,4}`

`= false`

2. A = {x<=5; x in N}, Find 1 belongsto A ...

`A={x<=5; x in N}`

is `1 in A = 1 in {1,2,3,4,5}`

`= true`

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9. Cardinality of a set
(Previous method)
11. Is Subset of a set
(Next method)

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