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Statistics Word Problem examples ( Enter your problem )
  1. Example-1
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  1. Statistics Word Problem
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1. Example-1

Problem : 1 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
1. The mean of 10 observations is 12.5 . While calculating the mean one observation was by mistake taken as -8 instead of +8 . Find the correct mean.
Solution: Here Mean X `= 12.5` and `n = 10`

`Sigma(X) = ` X ` × n = 12.5 × 10 = 125`

`:.` the correct sum `Sigma(X) = 125` - (Wrong Observation) + (Correct Observation)

= 125 - ( -8 ) + ( 8 ) = 141.

`:. "correct mean" = "correct sum" / n = 141 / 10 = 14.1`.

Problem : 2 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
2. The mean of 10 observations is 35 . While calculating the mean two observations were by mistake taken as 35 instead of 25 and 30 instead of 45 . Find the correct mean.
Solution: Here Mean X `= 35` and `n = 10`

`Sigma X =` X `× n = 35 × 10 = 350`

`:.` the correct sum `Sigma X = 350 - 35 + 25 - 30 + 45 = 355`.

`:.` `text{correct mean} = text{correct sum}/n = 355/10 = 35.5` .

Problem : 3 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
3. The mean of 15 observations is 16.4 . If we remove one observation from it then the mean of remaining observations is 17 , then find out the removed observation ?
Solution: Here Mean X `= 16.4` and `n = 15`

`Sigma X =` X `× n = 16.4 × 15 = 246`

After removing one observation, the mean of remaining observations is `17`

`:.` the correct sum `Sigma X = 17 × 14 = 238`.

`:.` the removed observation `= 246 - 238 = 8`.

Problem : 4 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
4. The sum of 15 observation is 343 . If we remove two observation 18 and 26 , then find out the mean of remaining observations.
Solution: Here `Sigma(X) = 343` and `n = 15`

If we remove two observation then `13` observation left.

Sum of `13` observation `Sigma(X') = 343 - (18 + 26 ) = 351`

Then the mean of remaining `13` observations = `(Sigma X') / n = 351/13 = 27` .

Problem : 5 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
5. The mean of 5 observations is 20 . If we add one new observation then the new mean of the observations is 25 . So find out new added observation.
Solution: Here `n = 5`, Mean X `= 20`

The sum of `5` observation is = X × n `= 20 × 5 = 100`

After adding one new observation, the new Mean X `= 25`,

the sum of `6` observation = new X × n `= 25 × 6 = 150`

`:.` the new observation `= 150 - 100 = 50`.

Problem : 6 / 6 [ Statistics Wording Problem ]       Enter your problem
6. The mean of observation is 10 . If we add 2 and then multiply or divide by 3 in each observation, then find the new mean ?
Solution: Here Mean X `= 10`

Now if we add `2` and then multiply by `3` in each observation, then mean gets increased by `2` and then multiplied by `3`.

`:.` new mean `= (10 + 2) × 3 = 36`.

2. HCF-LCM Word Problem
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