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Graphs - Plotting of mathematical functions f(x) or f(y)
Functions of x  Functions of y
  1. `x`
  2. `sin(x)`
  3. `cos(x)`
  4. `tan(x)`
  5. `cot(x)`
  6. `asin(x)`
  7. `acos(x)`
  8. `atan(x)`
  9. `acot(x)`
  10. `ln(x)`
  11. `exp(x)`
  12. `sqrt(x)`
  13. `radical(2,(x^3-3*x))`
  14. `|x|`
  15. `x^3-x`
  16. `(e^x-e^(-x))/2`
  17. `e^(-x^2)`
  18. `sin(x)^3+cos(x)^3`
  19. `x+sin(x)`
  20. `x*sin(1/x)`
  21. `(sin(9*x)+sin(10*x))*sin(0.1*x)`
  1. `y`
  2. `sin(y)`
  3. `cos(y)`
  4. `tan(y)`
  5. `cot(y)`
  6. `asin(y)`
  7. `acos(y)`
  8. `atan(y)`
  9. `acot(y)`
  10. `ln(y)`
  11. `exp(y)`
  12. `sqrt(y)`
  13. `radical(2,(y^3-3*y))`
  14. `|y|`
  15. `y^3-y`
  16. `(e^y-e^(-y))/2`
  17. `e^(-y^2)`
  18. `sin(y)^3+cos(y)^3`
  19. `y+sin(y)`
  20. `y*sin(1/y)`
  21. `(sin(9*y)+sin(10*y))*sin(0.1*y)`
Scaling Value
  1. XMin`=-20`, XMax`=20`, YMin`=-20`, YMax`=20`
  2. XMin`=-15`, XMax`=15`, YMin`=-15`, YMax`=15`
  3. XMin`=-10`, XMax`=10`, YMin`=-10`, YMax`=10`
  4. XMin`=-8`, XMax`=8`, YMin`=-8`, YMax`=8`
  5. XMin`=-6`, XMax`=6`, YMin`=-6`, YMax`=6`
  6. XMin`=-5`, XMax`=5`, YMin`=-5`, YMax`=5`
Ymin Ymax
Gridlines X: Gridlines Y:

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