Home > College Algebra calculators

Educational Level Secondary school, High school and College
Program Purpose Provide step by step solutions of your problems using online calculators (online solvers)
Problem Source Your textbook, etc

1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers
1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers in Decimal
2. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers in Binary
3. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers in Octal
4. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers in HexaDecimal
5. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers in Other (Eg: Base=6)
2. BCD and Excess 3 Addition and Subtraction using 9's or 10's complement Method
1. BCD Addition
2. BCD Subtraction using 9's complement
3. BCD Subtraction using 10's complement
4. Excess 3 Addition
5. Excess 3 Subtraction using 9's complement
6. Excess 3 Subtraction using 10's complement
3. One Base to Other Base Conversion
1. Decimal to Binary
2. Decimal to Octal
3. Decimal to Hexadecimal
4. Binary to Decimal
5. Binary to Octal
6. Binary to Hexadecimal
7. Octal to Decimal
8. Octal to Binary
9. Octal to Hexadecimal
10. Hexadecimal to Decimal
11. Hexadecimal to Binary
12. Hexadecimal to Octal
13. Decimal to Other
14. Other to Decimal
15. Other to Other

16. Decimal To BCD
17. Binary To BCD
18. Octal To BCD
19. Hexadecimal To BCD
20. BCD To Decimal
21. BCD To Binary
22. BCD To Octal
23. BCD To Hexadecimal
24. BCD To Excess 3
25. Decimal To Excess 3
26. Binary To Excess 3
27. Octal To Excess 3
28. Hexadecimal To Excess 3
29. Excess 3 To Decimal
30. Excess 3 To Binary
31. Excess 3 To Octal
32. Excess 3 To Hexadecimal
33. Excess 3 To BCD
34. Decimal To Gray code
35. Binary To Gray code
36. Octal To Gray code
37. Hexadecimal To Gray code
38. Gray code To Decimal
39. Gray code To Binary
40. Gray code To Octal
41. Gray code To Hexadecimal
4. 1's, 2's, 7's, 8's, 9's, 10's, 15's, 16's complement method
1. 1's complement method
2. 2's complement method
3. 7's complement method
4. 8's complement method
5. 9's complement method
6. 10's complement method
7. 15's complement method
8. 16's complement method
5. 1's, 2's, 7's, 8's, 9's, 10's, 15's, 16's complement subtraction method
1. 1's complement subtraction method
2. 2's complement subtraction method
3. 7's complement subtraction method
4. 8's complement subtraction method
5. 9's complement subtraction method
6. 10's complement subtraction method
7. 15's complement subtraction method
8. 16's complement subtraction method
6. Matrix Algebra
7. Numerical Methods
8. Statistical Methods
9. Operation Research (OR)
10. Mathematical Logic, truth tables, logical equivalence
11. Boolean Algebra
12. Karnaugh Map method (Kmap)
13. Quine-McCluskey method
14. Chinese Remainder Theorem
15. Extended Euclidean Algorithm
16. Euclid's Algorithm
17. Modular multiplicative inverse
18. Modulo
19. Fast modular exponentiation
20. Restoring Division Algorithm For Unsigned Integer
21. Non-Restoring Division Algorithm For Unsigned Integer
22. Alphametic Puzzles, Algebrograms, Cryptarithms, Cryptograms solver
24. Run Length Encoding
25. Run Length Decoding

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