Home > Pre-Algebra calculators

Educational Level Secondary school, High school and College
Program Purpose Provide step by step solutions of your problems using online calculators (online solvers)
Problem Source Your textbook, etc

1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two numbers
1.1 Long Addition
1.2 Long Subtraction
1.3 Long Multiplication
1.4 Long Division

2. Lattice Multiplication

3. Numbers to Words Converter (Pronounce a number )
4. Words to Numbers Converter
5. Place Value
6. Factors and Prime factorization of a number
6.1 Prime factorization by Division method
6.2 Prime factorization using Factor tree method
6.3 Prime factorization using the Ladder method
6.4 Factors by Division method
6.5 Factors by Multiplication method
6.6 Factor Pairs
7. Multiples of a number
7.1 Find Multiple of 8 using Multiplication method
7.2 Find Multiple of 8 using Repeated addition method
7.3 Find the first 6 Multiple of 8
7.4 Find the sum of first 12 Multiple of 12
7.5 Find the average of first 12 Multiple of 12
7.6 Find Multiple of 7 that are less than or equal to 56
7.7 Find Multiple of 12 that are between 20 and 70
7.8 Find the smallest Multiple of 13 greater than 1000
7.9 Find the largest Multiple of 7 less than 1000
7.10 How many Multiple of 7 between 100 and 1000
7.11 Is 104 a multiple of 8

8. HCF and LCM of numbers
8.1 HCF by Listing Method
8.2 HCF by Prime Factorization Method
8.3 HCF by Division Method
8.4 HCF by Repeated Division Method
8.5 LCM by Listing Method
8.6 LCM by Prime Factorization Method
8.7 LCM by Division Method
8.8 LCD
8.9 Common Factor by Listing Method
9. Prime numbers
9.1 Is 31 a prime number
9.2 Which of the following is a prime number 13,48,49,23,45,47
9.3 Which of the following is a composite number 13,19,22,31
9.4 First 1000 prime numbers
9.5 5th prime number
9.6 Prime numbers from 1 to 1000
9.7 Greatest prime number between 1 and 100
9.8 What is the next 2 prime number after 37
9.9 What is the previous 2 prime number before 37
9.10 What is the largest 2 digit prime number
9.11 What is the smallest 4 digit prime number
9.12 Express 21 as the sum of three prime numbers
9.13 are 25 and 27 co-prime numbers
9.14 Find all co-prime numbers from 1 to 100
9.15 are 11 and 13 twin primes
9.16 Find all twin prime numbers between 1 to 100

10. Divisibility test

2. Divisibility by 2 test
3. Divisibility by 3 test
4. Divisibility by 4 test
5. Divisibility by 5 test
6. Divisibility by 6 test
7. Divisibility by 7 test
8. Divisibility by 8 test
9. Divisibility by 9 test
10. Divisibility by 10 test
11. Divisibility by 11 test
12. Divisibility by 12 test
13. Divisibility by 13 test
14. Divisibility by 14 test
15. Divisibility by 15 test
16. Divisibility by 16 test
17. Divisibility by 17 test
18. Divisibility by 18 test
19. Divisibility by 19 test
20. Divisibility by 20 test
21. Divisibility by 21 test
22. Divisibility by 22 test
23. Divisibility by 23 test
24. Divisibility by 24 test
25. Divisibility by 25 test
26. Divisibility by 26 test
27. Divisibility by 27 test
28. Divisibility by 28 test
29. Divisibility by 29 test
30. Divisibility by 30 test
31. Divisibility by 31 test
32. Divisibility by 32 test
33. Divisibility by 33 test
34. Divisibility by 34 test
35. Divisibility by 35 test
36. Divisibility by 36 test
37. Divisibility by 37 test
38. Divisibility by 38 test
39. Divisibility by 39 test
40. Divisibility by 40 test
41. Divisibility by 41 test
42. Divisibility by 42 test
43. Divisibility by 43 test
44. Divisibility by 44 test
45. Divisibility by 45 test
46. Divisibility by 46 test
47. Divisibility by 47 test

11. Order of Operations (PEMDAS)
12. Leap Year
13. Decimal number
1.1 Decimal to Fraction
1.2 Fraction to Decimal
1.3 Decimal to Percentage
1.4 Percentage to Decimal
1.5 Decimal to Standard form
1.6 Standard form to Decimal form
2. Expanded form of a number
3. Succeeding number
4. Preceding number
5. Even or odd number
6. Comparing Numbers (Greater Than Or Less Than)
7. Minimum number
8. Maximum number
9. Ascending, Descending order of numbers
10. Rounding Numbers
11. Classifying numbers (Rational,Irrational,Real,Natural,Integer)
12. Terminating or non terminating decimal expansion
13. Additive inverse
14. Multiplicative inverse
15. Opposite number
16. Reciprocal number
17. Absolute value of a number
18. Plotting numbers on a number line
19. Like and Unlike decimals
20. Convert unlike decimals to like decimals
21. +, -, *, / of numbers
22. Model +, - of numbers
23. Simplify expression
14. Fraction
1. Numerator and Denominator Fractions
2. Proper and Improper Fractions
3. Like and Unlike fractions
4. Model Fractions (Visual Fractions)
5. Simplify Fraction
6. Equivalent Fractions
7. How many eighths are equivalent to 1/2
8. Fraction to Decimal (Mixed Number to Decimal)
9. Decimal to Fraction (Decimal to Mixed Number)
10. Fraction to Percentage (Mixed Number to Percentage)
11. Percent to Fraction
12. Improper fraction to Mixed number
13. Mixed Number to Improper Fraction
14. Reciprocal of a fraction
15. LCD of fractions
16. Convert unlike fraction to like fraction
17. Comparing fractions
18. Ascending and descending order of fractions
19. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Fractions
20. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Mixed numbers
21. Visual Model for Adding, Subtracting of Fractions
22. Simplify fraction expression
15. Scientific notation
1. Convert Scientific notation to Decimal notation
2. Convert Decimal notation to Scientific notation
3. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Scientific notation numbers
16.1 Powers
1. Square of a number
2. Cube of a number
3. Nth Power of a number

16.2 Radicals
4. Square root of a number using prime factorization method
5. Cube root of a number using prime factorization method
6. Nth root of a number using prime factorization method

7. Square root of a number using long division method
8. Cube root of a number using long division method

9. Find the smallest number which must be Added to 180 to make it perfect Square
10. Find Least number of 4 digits which is a perfect Square
17.1 Find next number in the sequence (1. 3, 6, 18, 72, ___)
17.2 Find wrong number in the sequence (1. 3, 6, ?, 72, 360)
17.3 Find missing number in the sequence (1. 3, 6, 17, 72, 360)
17.4 Alphabate series (1. BDF,CFI,DHL,? 2. A,E,I,O,?)
17.5 Missing Letter Series (1. ??aba??ba?ab 2. ab???b?bbaa?)
18. Coding Decoding
19. Unit Conversion
1. Length Conversion
2. Speed Conversion
3. Power Conversion
4. Temperature Conversion
5. Mass Conversion
6. Volume Conversion
7. Money Conversion
8. Time Conversion
9. Degree Conversion
10. Angle to Degree Conversion

1. KM to M, KM to DM, KM to CM, KM to MM, KM to MI, KM to YD, KM to FT, KM to IN,
M to KM, M to DM, M to CM, M to MM, M to MI, M to YD, M to FT, M to IN,
DM to KM, DM to M, DM to CM, DM to MM, DM to MI, DM to YD, DM to FT, DM to IN,
CM to KM, CM to M, CM to DM, CM to MM, CM to MI, CM to YD, CM to FT, CM to IN,
MM to KM, MM to M, MM to DM, MM to CM, MM to MI, MM to YD, MM to FT, MM to IN,
MI to KM, MI to M, MI to DM, MI to CM, MI to MM, MI to YD, MI to FT, MI to IN,
YD to KM, YD to M, YD to DM, YD to CM, YD to MM, YD to MI, YD to FT, YD to IN,
FT to KM, FT to M, FT to DM, FT to CM, FT to MM, FT to MI, FT to YD, FT to IN,
IN to KM, IN to M, IN to DM, IN to CM, IN to MM, IN to MI, IN to YD, IN to FT,

2. KpH to MEpH, KpH to MEpS, KpH to MIpH, KpH to FpH,
MEpH to KpH, MEpH to MEpS, MEpH to MIpH, MEpH to FpH,
MEpS to KpH, MEpS to MEpH, MEpS to MIpH, MEpS to FpH,
MIpH to KpH, MIpH to MEpH, MIpH to MEpS, MIpH to FpH,
FpH to KpH, FpH to MEpH, FpH to MEpS, FpH to MIpH,

3. H to W, H to JpS,
W to H, W to JpS,
JpS to H, JpS to W,

4. C to F, C to K,
F to C, F to K,
K to C, K to F,

5. KG to G, KG to MG, KG to MT, KG to ST, KG to P, KG to O,
G to KG, G to MG, G to MT, G to ST, G to P, G to O,
MG to KG, MG to G, MG to MT, MG to ST, MG to P, MG to O,
MT to KG, MT to G, MT to MG, MT to ST, MT to P, MT to O,
ST to KG, ST to G, ST to MG, ST to MT, ST to P, ST to O,
P to KG, P to G, P to MG, P to MT, P to ST, P to O,
O to KG, O to G, O to MG, O to MT, O to ST, O to P,

FO to GALLON, FO to QUART, FO to PINT, FO to CUP, FO to CF, FO to CI, FO to L, FO to ML,
CF to GALLON, CF to QUART, CF to PINT, CF to CUP, CF to FO, CF to CI, CF to L, CF to ML,
CI to GALLON, CI to QUART, CI to PINT, CI to CUP, CI to FO, CI to CF, CI to L, CI to ML,
L to GALLON, L to QUART, L to PINT, L to CUP, L to FO, L to CF, L to CI, L to ML,
ML to GALLON, ML to QUART, ML to PINT, ML to CUP, ML to FO, ML to CF, ML to CI, ML to L,

7. R to P,
P to R,

8. SEC to MIN, SEC to HR, SEC to DAY, SEC to WK, SEC to MO, SEC to YR,
MIN to SEC, MIN to HR, MIN to DAY, MIN to WK, MIN to MO, MIN to YR,
HR to SEC, HR to MIN, HR to DAY, HR to WK, HR to MO, HR to YR,
DAY to SEC, DAY to MIN, DAY to HR, DAY to WK, DAY to MO, DAY to YR,
WK to SEC, WK to MIN, WK to HR, WK to DAY, WK to MO, WK to YR,
MO to SEC, MO to MIN, MO to HR, MO to DAY, MO to WK, MO to YR,
YR to SEC, YR to MIN, YR to HR, YR to DAY, YR to WK, YR to MO,

9. DEG to RAD,

20. One Base to Other Base Conversion
1. Decimal to Binary
2. Decimal to Octal
3. Decimal to Hexadecimal
4. Binary to Decimal
5. Binary to Octal
6. Binary to Hexadecimal
7. Octal to Decimal
8. Octal to Binary
9. Octal to Hexadecimal
10. Hexadecimal to Decimal
11. Hexadecimal to Binary
12. Hexadecimal to Octal
13. Decimal to Other
14. Other to Decimal
15. Other to Other
21. Tables
1. Addition table / Chart
2. Multiplication table / Chart

3. Roman table
4. Factorial table
5. Number system conversion table

6. Square table
7. Cube table
8. Power table

9. Sin table
10. Cos table
11. Tan table
12. Sin, Cos, Tan table

13. Area formula
14. Volume formula
15. Factors of an equation formula

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