Home > Games

1. Online Sudoku Creator and Solver
2. Online Dots game
3. 21 MatchStick Problem
4. The Mind Reader Game
5. Shift-It
6. 2 Digit Number Guess
7. Minesweeper
8. Tic-Tac-Toe
9. Chess With CPU
10. Concentration
11. Lights Out
12. Three Glass Puzzle (MilkCane Problem)
13. Peg
14. Tower of Hanoi

1. Online Sudoku Creator and Solver
Online Sudoku Creator and Solver
2. Online Dots game
Dots Make more boxes than the computer to win this interactive.
3. 21 MatchStick Problem game
21 Matchstick Puzzle game
  1. In this Puzzle there are 21 Match Sticks.
  2. You and Computer will pick up the sticks one by one.
  3. Sticks can be picked from 1 to 4.
  4. The who, picked up the last stick, is the loser.
4. The Mind Reader Game
The Mind Reader Game This Game Will Give You The Number That You Have Guessed.
For that You Have to First Enter the Maximum Limit of Your Guessing Range.
Then Click on the Find Button and See the Numbers Displayed Below.
If Your Guessed Number is Exists then Click 'Yes' Else 'No'.
5. Shift-It
Try to put all the nos is ascending order.
6. 2 Digit Number Guess
  1. Please guess a number between 1 to 99.
  2. Then find reverse number of it.
  3. Substract smaller number from bigger number.
  4. Check the answer in the figure below.
  5. Now computer will show that picture to you.
  6. Click on the Display button.
7. Minesweeper
8. Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-Tac-Toe An interactive game of good old tic-tac-toe.
Automatic scoring and alternating "first moves" are built in.
9. Chess-With-Cpu
Chess With CPU Opponents
10. Concentration
The classic memory game : Concentration.
Uncover all the blocks by successfully matching the image pairs.
Click the Timer button below to start a new game whenever you want.
11. Lights-Out
Lights Out Try to eliminate all the boxes to win. When you check a box, all the squares around it (one above, one below, and one to each side) are unselected. You can play in five different levels of difficulty. Addictive!
12. Three Glass Puzzle (MilkCane Problem)
You have 3, 5 and 8 litre milk container, each container has no markings except for that which gives you it's total volume. You have a 8 litre containter full of milk. You must use the containers in such away as to exactly measure out 4 litres of milk. How is this done?
13. Peg
Try to clear the board by jumping pegs over other pegs.
The "jumped" peg will be removed from the field.
If there's more then one move available, just choose which move you would like to do. You win by getting it down to just one peg (The best solution is with this peg in the center).
14. Tower of Hanoi
Tower of Hanoi Try to move all the disks onto another pole. Thing is, you can only move one disk at a time and you must follow size order (a bigger disk can't go on a smaller disk). Good luck!

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