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Educational Level Secondary school, High school and College
Program Purpose Provide step by step solutions of your problems using online calculators (online solvers)
Problem Source Your textbook, etc

1. Angles on 26.02.2025
1. Complementary angle
2. Supplementary angle
3. Reference angle
4. Decide Types of angles based on measurement (Right angle, Acute angle, Obtuse angle)
5. Quadrant of angle
2. Decimal number on 18.11.2024
1.1 Decimal to Fraction
1.2 Fraction to Decimal
1.3 Decimal to Percentage
1.4 Percentage to Decimal
1.5 Decimal to Standard form
1.6 Standard form to Decimal form
2. Expanded form of a number
3. Succeeding number
4. Preceding number
5. Even or odd number
6. Comparing Numbers (Greater Than Or Less Than)
7. Minimum number
8. Maximum number
9. Ascending, Descending order of numbers
10. Rounding Numbers
11. Classifying numbers (Rational,Irrational,Real,Natural,Integer)
12. Terminating or non terminating decimal expansion
13. Additive inverse
14. Multiplicative inverse
15. Opposite number
16. Reciprocal number
17. Absolute value of a number
18. Plotting numbers on a number line
19. Like and Unlike decimals
20. Convert unlike decimals to like decimals
21. +, -, *, / of numbers
22. Model +, - of numbers
23. Simplify expression

3. Rational Zeros Theorem to find all possible rational roots of a polynomial on 04.10.2024
4. Scientific notation on 16.08.2024
1. Convert Scientific notation to Decimal notation
2. Convert Decimal notation to Scientific notation
3. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Scientific notation numbers
5. Fraction on 05.08.2024
1. Numerator and Denominator Fractions
2. Proper and Improper Fractions
3. Like and Unlike fractions
4. Model Fractions (Visual Fractions)
5. Simplify Fraction
6. Equivalent Fractions
7. How many eighths are equivalent to 1/2
8. Fraction to Decimal (Mixed Number to Decimal)
9. Decimal to Fraction (Decimal to Mixed Number)
10. Fraction to Percentage (Mixed Number to Percentage)
11. Percent to Fraction
12. Improper fraction to Mixed number
13. Mixed Number to Improper Fraction
14. Reciprocal of a fraction
15. LCD of fractions
16. Convert unlike fraction to like fraction
17. Comparing fractions
18. Ascending and descending order of fractions
19. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Fractions
20. Add, subtract, multiply and divide of Mixed numbers
21. Visual Model for Adding, Subtracting of Fractions
22. Simplify fraction expression
6. Prime numbers on 26.06.2024
6.1 Is 31 a prime number
6.2 Which of the following is a prime number 13,48,49,23,45,47
6.3 Which of the following is a composite number 13,19,22,31
6.4 First 1000 prime numbers
6.5 5th prime number
6.6 Prime numbers from 1 to 1000
6.7 Greatest prime number between 1 and 100
6.8 What is the next 2 prime number after 37
6.9 What is the previous 2 prime number before 37
6.10 What is the largest 2 digit prime number
6.11 What is the smallest 4 digit prime number
6.12 Express 21 as the sum of three prime numbers
6.13 are 25 and 27 co-prime numbers
6.14 Find all co-prime numbers from 1 to 100
6.15 are 11 and 13 twin primes
6.16 Find all twin prime numbers between 1 to 100
7. Multiples of a number on 26.06.2024
7.1 Find Multiple of 8 using Multiplication method
7.2 Find Multiple of 8 using Repeated addition method
7.3 Find the first 6 Multiple of 8
7.4 Find the sum of first 12 Multiple of 12
7.5 Find the average of first 12 Multiple of 12
7.6 Find Multiple of 7 that are less than or equal to 56
7.7 Find Multiple of 12 that are between 20 and 70
7.8 Find the smallest Multiple of 13 greater than 1000
7.9 Find the largest Multiple of 7 less than 1000
7.10 How many Multiple of 7 between 100 and 1000
7.11 Is 104 a multiple of 8
8. Factors and Prime factors of a number on 11.06.2024
8.1 Prime factorization by Division method
8.2 Prime factorization using Factor tree method
8.3 Prime factorization using the Ladder method
8.4 Factors by Division method
8.5 Factors by Multiplication method
8.6 Factor Pairs
9. HCF and LCM of numbers on 24.05.2024
9.1 HCF by Listing Method
9.2 HCF by Prime Factorization Method
9.3 HCF by Division Method
9.4 HCF by Repeated Division Method
9.5 LCM by Listing Method
9.6 LCM by Prime Factorization Method
9.7 LCM by Division Method
9.8 LCD
9.9 Common Factor by Listing Method
10.1 Log | Logarithm on 28.04.2024
10.2 ln - Natural log
10.3 Antilog | Antilogarithm
10.4 Anti Natural log
11. The Equation for the terminal Side `theta` is `2x+y=0, x>=0`. Find the value of all six trigonometric functions on 25.04.2024
12. Net Present Value (NPV) on 19.03.2024
13. Amortization on 14.03.2024
14.1 Future value using Simple Interest on 05.03.2024
14.2 Future value using Compound Interest
14.3 Future value of Annuity
14.4 Future value of Annuity Due
14.5 Present value using Simple Interest
14.6 Present value using Compound Interest
14.7 Present value of Annuity
14.8 Present value of Annuity Due
14.9 Contineous Compounding

15.1 Future value factor
15.2 Present value factor
15.3 Discount factor
15.4 Future value factor table
15.5 Present value factor table
15.6 Discount factor table

16.1 Effective interest rate
16.2 Nominal interest rate
17.1 Simple bar graph on 26.02.2024
17.2 Multiple bar graph
17.3 Percentage bar graph
17.4 Simple stacked bar chart
17.5 Percentage stacked bar chart
17.6 Pie Chart
17.7 Donut Chart
17.8 Scatter Plot | XY Graph
17.9 Line Graph
18.1 Ogive (cumulative frequency curve) on 25.01.2024
18.2 Frequency polygon with the help of Histogram
18.3 Frequency curve with the help of Histogram
19. Queueing Theory on 06.01.2024
19.1 M/M/1 Queuing Model
19.1 M/M/1/N Queuing Model (M/M/1/K)
19.1 M/M/1/N/N Queuing Model (M/M/1/K/K)
19.2 M/M/s Queuing Model (M/M/c)
19.2 M/M/s/N Queuing Model (M/M/c/K)
19.2 M/M/s/N/N Queuing Model (M/M/c/K/K)
19.2 M/M/Infinity Queuing Model
20. Binomial expansion `(2x+3y)^5` on 26.09.2023
21. Words to Numbers Converter on 24.09.2023
22. Oddment method on 29.07.2023

23.1 Octile, Quintile for ungrouped data on 27.07.2023
23.2 Octile, Quintile for grouped data
24. Index Number on 16.07.2023
1.1 Fixed base method
1.2 Chain base method

2. Unweighted Index Number
2.1 Simple Aggregative Method
2.2 Simple Average of Price Relative Method (using the arithmetic mean)
2.3 Simple Average of Price Relative Method (using the geometric mean)

3.1 Fixed base method for bivariate grouped data
3.2 Chain base method for bivariate grouped data

4.1 Conversion of fixed base index numbers into chain base index numbers
4.2 Conversion of chain base index numbers into fixed base index numbers

5. Weighted Index Numbers
5.1 Laspeyre's price index number
5.2 Paasche's price index number
5.3 Fisher's price index number
5.4 Marshall Edgeworth's price index number
5.5 Dorbish-Bowley's price index number
5.6 Kelly's price index number
5.7 Walsh's price index number

6.1 Weighted aggregate method
6.2 Weighted average of price relatives method

7. Cost of living Index number
7.1 Aggregate expenditure method
7.2 Family budget method
25. Mode using Grouping Method on 12.12.2022
26. Construct an ungrouped frequency distribution table on 28.11.2022
27. Construct a grouped frequency distribution table
28. Maximum, Minimum for ungrouped data
29. Sum, Length for ungrouped data
30. Range, Mid Range for ungrouped data
31. Stem and leaf plot for ungrouped data
32. Ascending order, Descending order for ungrouped data
33. Run Length Encoding on 21.11.2022
34. Run Length Decoding
35. Modulo on 15.11.2022
36. Fast modular exponentiation
37. Coding Decoding on 19.10.2022
38. Ridder's Method on 23.05.2022
39. Vector triple product on 13.04.2022
40. Law of Sines Calculator on 13.04.2022
41. Law of Cosines Calculator
42.1 Sine Calculator on 11.04.2022
42.2 Cosine Calculator
42.3 Tangent Calculator
42.4 Cosecant Calculator
42.5 Secant Calculator
42.6 Cotangent Calculator

43.1 Inverse Sine Calculator
43.2 Inverse Cosine Calculator
43.3 Inverse Tangent Calculator
43.4 Inverse Cosecant Calculator
43.5 Inverse Secant Calculator
43.6 Inverse Cotangent Calculator

44.1 Hyperbolic Sine Calculator
44.2 Hyperbolic Cosine Calculator
44.3 Hyperbolic Tangent Calculator
44.4 Hyperbolic Cosecant Calculator
44.5 Hyperbolic Secant Calculator
44.6 Hyperbolic Cotangent Calculator

45.1 Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Calculator
45.2 Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine Calculator
45.3 Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent Calculator
45.4 Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant Calculator
45.5 Inverse Hyperbolic Secant Calculator
45.6 Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent Calculator
46. If `x+y+z=1,xy+yz+zx=-1` and `xyz=-1` then find `x^3+y^3+z^3` on 25.02.2022
47. If `alpha` and `beta` are roots of equation `2x^2-3x-6=0`, then find `alpha^2+beta^2` on 29.01.2022
48. If `alpha` and `beta` are roots of equation `2x^2-3x-6=0`, then find equation whose roots are `alpha^2` and `beta^2`
49. Find value of `k` for which `2x^2+kx+2=0` has real roots
50. Wrong Number series on 06.01.2022
51. Missing Number Series
52. Alphabate series on 13.12.2021
53. Missing Letter Series
54. Richardson extrapolation formula for differentiation on 11.12.2021
55. Find other polynomial when one polynomial its GCD and LCM are given
56. Lattice Multiplication on 08.12.2021
57. Alphametic Puzzles, Algebrograms, Cryptarithms, Cryptograms solver on 02.12.2021
58. Restoring Division Algorithm For Unsigned Integer on 29.11.2021
59. Non-Restoring Division Algorithm For Unsigned Integer on 01.12.2021
60 Solve (2nd order) numerical differential equation using (on 17.10.2021)
1. Euler method
2. Runge-Kutta 2 method
3. Runge-Kutta 3 method
4. Runge-Kutta 4 method
61.1 Find the value of h,k for which the system of equations has a Unique solution on 16.10.2021
61.2 Find the value of h,k for which the system of equations has Infinite solution
61.3 Find the value of h,k for which the system of equations has No solution
61.4 Find the value of h,k for which the system of equations is consistent
61.5 Find the value of h,k for which the system of equations is inconsistent

61.6 Determine whether the system of linear equations has a Unique solution
61.7 Determine whether the system of linear equations has Infinite solution
61.8 Determine whether the system of linear equations has No solution
61.9 Determine whether the system of linear equations is consistent
61.10 Determine whether the system of linear equations is inconsistent
62. Chinese Remainder Theorem on 08.08.2021
63. Extended Euclidean Algorithm
64. Euclid's Algorithm
65. Modular multiplicative inverse
66. Remainder theorem on 04.08.2021
67. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Code improved on 29.07.2021
68. Numerical Differentiation first order and second order using on 14.07.2021
1. 2 point Forward, Backward, Central difference formula
2. 3 point Forward, Backward, Central difference formula
3. 4 point Forward, Backward, Central difference formula
4. 5 point Forward, Central difference formula
69. Time Series and Forecasting on 07.07.2021
1. Simple Moving Average
2. Weighted Moving Average
3. Single Exponential Smoothing
4. Simple Moving Average forecast
5. Weighted Moving Average forecast
6. Single Exponential Smoothing forecast
70. Cubic spline interpolation on 28.06.2021
71. Missing terms in interpolation table on 27.05.2021
72. Lagrange's Inverse Interpolation formula on 24.05.2021
73. on 11.05.2021
1. LU decomposition using Doolittle's method of Matrix
2. LU decomposition using Crout's method of Matrix
3. Solve systems of linear equations using Doolittle's method
4. Solve systems of linear equations using Crout's method
74. Statistical Methods on 09.04.2021
1. Five number summary for ungrouped data
2. Box and Whisker Plots for ungrouped data
3. Five number summary for grouped data
4. Box and Whisker Plots for grouped data
75. Verifying if two functions are inverses of each other on 03.04.2021
76. Polynomial on 13.03.2021
1. Polynomial in ascending order
2. Polynomial in descending order
3. Degree of a polynomial
4. Leading term of a polynomial
5. Leading coefficient of a polynomial
6. Determine expression is a polynomial or not
7. Zeros of a polynomial
77. is Negative Definite Matrix on 28.02.2021
78. Row Space on 13.02.2021
79. Column Space
80. Null Space
81. Percentage on 06.02.2021
82. Arithmetic Progression
83. Geometric Progression
84. Simple Interest
85. Compound Interest
86. Relaxation method on 22.01.2021
87. Karnaugh Map method (Kmap) on 21.01.2021
88. Quine-McCluskey method
89. Halley's Method on 11.01.2021
90. Steffensen's Method
91. is Derogatory Matrix on 03.11.2020
92. Functions on 30.07.2020
1. Domain of a function
2. Range of a function
3. Inverse of a function
4. Properties of a function
5. Vertex of a function
6. Focus of a function
7. axis symmetry of a parabola
8. Directrix of a function
9. Intercept of a function
10. Parity of a function
11. Asymptotes of a function
93. on 26.07.2020
1. solve equation `3/y+14/x=5,21/x-1/y=2` by taking `1/x=X` and `1/y=Y`
2. solve equation `3x+14y=5xy,21y-x=2xy` by dividing `xy`
94. on 09.07.2020
1. Taylor Series method
2. cuberoot(48) using iteration method
95. Numerical Interpolation using on 06.07.2020
11. Hermite's formula
96. Numerical Interpolation using on 24.06.2020
6. Gauss Forward formula
7. Gauss Backward formula
8. Stirling's formula
9. Bessel's formula
10. Everett's formula
97. Numerical Differentiation using on 24.06.2020
4. Newton's Divided Difference formula
5. Lagrange's formula
6. Stirling's formula
7. Bessel's formula
98. Numerical Integration using on 24.06.2020
4. Boole's Rule
5. Weddle's Rule
99. Sequencing Problems - Processing 2 Jobs Through m Machines Problem on 17.04.20
100. SOR (Successive over-relaxation) method on 11.04.20
101. For P(3,4), find the value of all six trigonometric functions on 29.03.20
102. Bairstow method on 03.03.20
103. 3 Missing frequencies when Mean or Median or mode are given on 31.01.2020
104. fog(x)=(x+2)/(3x), f(x)=x-2. Find g(x)
105. gof(x)=1/x^2, f(x)=2+x^2. Find g(x).
106. Data envelopment analysis (DEA method) on 05.01.2020
107. Determinants using Sarrus Rule on 23.10.19
108. Determinants using properties of determinants
109. Hyperbolic functions implemented on 26.09.19
110. Five number summary
111. diagonally dominant equation
112. set builder notation (Code improved) on 19.09.19
113. stem and leaf plot
114. Partial Fraction bug solved on 13.09.19
115. PERT and CPM Network diagram (improved) on 26.08.19
115. BCD and Excess 3 Addition and Subtraction using 9's or 10's complement Method on 22.08.19
1. BCD Addition
2. BCD Subtraction using 9's complement
3. BCD Subtraction using 10's complement
4. Excess 3 Addition
5. Excess 3 Subtraction using 9's complement
6. Excess 3 Subtraction using 10's complement
117. Conversion on 22.08.19
1. Decimal To BCD
2. Binary To BCD
3. Octal To BCD
4. Hexadecimal To BCD

5. BCD To Decimal
6. BCD To Binary
7. BCD To Octal
8. BCD To Hexadecimal
9. BCD To Excess 3

10. Decimal To Excess 3
11. Binary To Excess 3
12. Octal To Excess 3
13. Hexadecimal To Excess 3

14. Excess 3 To Decimal
15. Excess 3 To Binary
16. Excess 3 To Octal
17. Excess 3 To Hexadecimal
18. Excess 3 To BCD

19. Decimal To Gray code
20. Binary To Gray code
21. Octal To Gray code
22. Hexadecimal To Gray code

23. Gray code To Decimal
24. Gray code To Binary
25. Gray code To Octal
26. Gray code To Hexadecimal
118. Logarithmic equations 07.08.19
Unitary Method (Chain Rule) 18.07.19
119. If 17 books cost Rs 306, what do 29 books cost?

120. If 5 artical cost Rs 90, the cost of 9 artical is?

121. If 20 persons can do a piece of work in 7 days, then the number of persons required to complete the work in 28 days is?

122. If 5 men working 6 hours a day can reap a field in 20 days, in how many days will 15 men reap the field, working 8 hours a day?
Probability 17.07.19
123. 3 unbiased coins are tossed, What is the probability of getting exactly 2 tails

124. In a throw of two dice, What is the probability getting a total of 10 or 11

125. two card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the drawn cards are both aces

126. A bag contains 5 blue and 4 black balls. Three balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that 2 are blue and 1 is black?
Age word problems 16.07.19
127. 10 years ago, A was 4 times as old as B. 10 years hence, A will be 2 times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ?

128. The ratio of Meena's age and Kamla's age is 3 : 5 and the sum of Meena's age and Kamla's ages is 80 years. The ratio of their ages after 10 years will be ?
Quadratic equations (Solution by considering m) on 10.07.19
129. `(x^2+1/x^2)-8(x+1/x)+14=0`
130. `4((4x+1)/(4x-1))^(2)+(4x+1)/(4x-1)=3`
131. `12((x)/(x-1))+12((x-1)/(x))=25`
132. Vector Algebra on 08.07.19
1. Addition/Subtraction of two vectors
2. Scalar Multiplication of vectors
3. Dot Product of two vectors
4. Cross Product of two vectors
5. Magnitude(length) of a vector
6. Unit vector
7. Direction cosines of a vector
8. Component form of a vector given two points
9. Angle between two vectors
10. Vector projections of B onto A
11. Orthogonal vectors
12. Collinear vectors
13. Coplanar vectors
14. Scalar triple product
15. Area of triangle determined by two vectors
16. Area of parallelogram determined by two vectors
17. Volume of pyramid determined by vectors
18. Volume of Parallelepiped determined by vectors
19. Decomposition of vector in basis
20. Linearly dependent and linearly independent vectors
133. Normal Distribution Table
134. t Distribution Table
135. Chi square Distribution Table
136. F Distribution Table
137. Binomial Distribution Table

138. F test
139. t-test
140. Standard error
141. Sign test
142. Mann whitney U test
143. Kruskal-wallis test
144. Chi square test
145. Median test
146. Mood's Median test
147. Cholesky decomposition method of a System of linear equations on 06.06.19
148. Covariance - Population Covariance, Sample Covariance for bivariate grouped data on 03.06.19

149. Covariance - Population Covariance, Sample Covariance for bivariate grouped data on 03.06.19
150. LU decomposition method / Crout's method of a System of linear equations on 30.05.19
151. Mean, Quartile, Decile, Percentile deviation for ungrouped data on 19.05.19
152. Mean, Quartile, Decile, Percentile deviation for grouped data on 19.05.19

153. One-way ANOVA on 09.05.19
154. Two-way ANOVA on 09.05.19

155. Power Method for dominant eigenvalue on 28.04.19

156. Partial Fraction on 19.04.19

157. Find roots of non-linear equations using Modified Newton Raphson method (Multivariate Newton Raphson method) on 19.04.19

158. Solve linear equations using Elimination method on 19.04.19
159. Maximize Profit case in transportation problem on 07.04.19

160. Revised Simplex method on 26.03.19

161. Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse on 22.03.19

162. Geometric mean, Harmonic mean for ungrouped data on 21.03.19
163. Geometric mean, Harmonic mean for grouped data on 21.03.19
164. LQ Decomposition on 20.03.19
165. Muller method on 20.03.19
166. Matrix Algebra on 17.03.19
1. Matrix Algebra with variables `[[2x,3y],[3x,4z]]`
2. Matrix Algebra with complex numbers `[[-5i,3i],[4i,5i]]`
3. Matrix Algebra with surds `[[1/sqrt(2),sqrt(2)],[4,-5]]`
167. PERT and CPM on 10.03.19
1. Network diagram
1. Activity, Predecessors
2. Activity i-j
3. Activity i-j, Name of Activity

2. Critical path, Total float, Free float, Independent float
1. Activity, Predecessors, Duration
2. Activity i-j, Duration
3. Activity i-j, Name of Activity, Duration

3. Project scheduling with uncertain activity times (Optimistic, Most likely, Pessimistic)
1. Activity, Predecessors, to, tm, tp
2. Activity i-j, to, tm, tp
3. Activity i-j, Name of Activity, to, tm, tp

4. Project crashing to solve Time-Cost Trade-Off with fixed Indirect cost
1. Activity, Predecessors, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and Indirect Cost
2. Activity i-j, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and Indirect Cost
3. Activity i-j, Name of Activity, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and Indirect Cost

5. Project crashing to solve Time-Cost Trade-Off with varying Indirect cost
1. Activity, Predecessors, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and varying Indirect Cost
2. Activity i-j, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and varying Indirect Cost
3. Activity i-j, Name of Activity, Normal Time & Cost, Crash Time & Cost and varying Indirect Cost
168. Transportation Problem
1. Heuristic method-1 on 07.01.19
2. Heuristic method-2 on 07.01.19
3. Row minima method on 24.12.18
4. Column minima method on 24.12.18
5. Russell's approximation method on 24.12.18

169. class and their frequency table on 31.12.18
170. less than or more than type cumulative frequency table on 31.12.18

171. Ratio and Proportion on 02.12.18

172. Synthetic division on 12.11.18

173. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on 04.11.18

174. All problem solution using search box on 05.10.18
175. Share solution on facebook, twitter with your friends on 17.08.18
176. Matrix Structure on 24.07.18
177. Algorithm, Formulas, Examples added at respective pages on 20.07.18
178. Simplex method Algorithm and examples on 08.07.18
179. Statistical Methods on 30.03.18
1. Permutation & combination
1. Find `n!`
2. Find `(n!)/(m!)`
3. Find `{::}^nP_r`
4. Find `{::}^nC_r`
5. How many words can be formed from the letters of the word daughter?
6. How many ways a committee of players can be formed ?
7. Permutation, Combination List

2. Probability
1. Coin
2. Dice
3. Cards
4. Balls
180. Calculus
1. Trigonometry on 20.03.18
1. Simplifying trigonometric equations, proving identities, eg. (1) `sin(30)*cos(60)+sin(30)*cos(60)`, (2) `tan(x)+cot(x)`, (3) `tan^2(x)-sin^2(x)`, (4) `csc(x)/cos(x)-cos(x)/sin(x)`
2.1 If `sin(x)=5/13` then Find the value of other five trigonometric functions
2.2 If `sin(x)=3/5` then solve expression `cos(x)csc(x)+tan(x)sec(x)`

2. Derivative on 20.03.18
1. Find Derivative, eg. (1) `d/(dx)(2x^(3)-2x^(2)-5x+4)`, (2) `d/(dx)(log(x)e^(x))`, (3) `d/(dx)(3cos(sin(x)))`
2. Find maximum and minimum value of `y=x^3+6x^2-15x+7`
181. About us

182. Algebra
1. Functions
2. Set Theory (using builder form)
3. Interval notation and set builder notation

183. Word Problems
1. Age word problems
2. Unitary Method (Chain Rule)

184. Simplex method
1. Branch and Bound method
2. 0-1 Integer programming problem

185. Game Theory
1. Bimatrix method

186. Matrix operations
1. Cholesky Decomposition
2. QR Decomposition (Gram Schmidt Method)
3. QR Decomposition (Householder Method)

187. Solve numerical differential equation using
1. Adams bashforth predictor method
2. Milne's simpson predictor corrector method

188. Coordinate Geometry


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