Method and examples
Plot Points
Plot Points like (3,-5),(5,3)
Points -
Plot Points calculator
Graph - Using Point and Slope.

You can plot graph using
1. Plot Points
like (3,-5),(5,3)

2. Plot Points on X-axis
like -3,5,12,-7,0

3. Plot Points on Y-axis
like -3,5,12,-7,0

4. Graph Lines
like x=-3y+5; 2x+y=1; x+2y<=5; x+y>=15

5. Graph Line using Slope & point
like Slope=7 and Point=(4,6)

6. Graph Line using Slope & Y-Intercept
like Slope=2 and Y-Intercept=-4

7. Graph Line passing through two points
like Point1=(3,-5) and Point2=(5,3)

1. Draw points (-1,2),(-3,4),(-5,6)


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