Home > Pre-Algebra calculators > Find the smallest number which must be Added to 180 to make it perfect Square calculator

Find the smallest number which must be Added to 180 to make it perfect Square

2. Square root Of
  1. `4096`
  2. `216`
  3. `64`
  4. `125`
  5. `100`
  6. `1000`
  7. `900`
  8. `256`
  9. `289`
9. Find the smallest number which must be    from / to   to make it perfact

  1. Find the smallest number which must be Added to `200` to make it perfect Square
  2. Find the smallest number which must be Substracted from `200` to make it perfect Square
  3. Find the smallest number which must be Multiplied to `200` to make it perfect Square
  4. Find the smallest number which must be Divided from `200` to make it perfect Square
  5. Find the smallest number which must be Added to `200` to make it perfect Cube
  6. Find the smallest number which must be Substracted from `200` to make it perfect Cube
  7. Find the smallest number which must be Multiplied to `200` to make it perfect Cube
  8. Find the smallest number which must be Divided from `200` to make it perfect Cube
10. Find   number of   digits which is a perfect 

  1. Find Least number of `4` digits which is a perfect Square
  2. Find Greatest number of `5` digits which is a perfect Square
  3. Find Least number of `6` digits which is a perfect Square
  4. Find Greatest number of `7` digits which is a perfect Square
  5. Find Least number of `4` digits which is a perfect Cube
  6. Find Greatest number of `5` digits which is a perfect Cube
  7. Find Least number of `6` digits which is a perfect Cube
  8. Find Greatest number of `7` digits which is a perfect Cube

Decimal Place =

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