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Age word problems
  1. At present, Ram is 2 times as old as Shyam. 10 years ago, Ram was 4 times as old as Shyam. At present, Ram's age and Shyam's age is ?
  2. Present age of A and B are in ratio 3 : 1. After 5 year product of their ages will be 525 then find out the age of B
  3. The ratio of Meena's age and Kamla's age is 3 : 5 and the sum of Meena's age and Kamla's ages is 80 years. The ratio of their ages after 10 years will be ?
  4. At present, difference of A's age and B's age is 20. 5 years ago, ratio of A's age and B's age was 5:1. At present, A's age and B's age is ?
  5. At present, sum of Father's age and Son's age is 56. 4 years hence, Father will be 3 times as old as Son. At present, Father's age and Son's age is ?
  6. 5 years ago, ratio of A's age and B's age was 3:2. 5 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be 5:4. At present, A's age and B's age is ?
  7. 10 years ago, A was 4 times as old as B. 10 years hence, A will be 2 times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ?
  8. 1 years ago, difference of A's age and B's age was 20. 5 years ago, A was 5 times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ?
  9. 1 years ago, ratio of A's age and B's age was 4:5. 1 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be 5:6. At present, A's age and B's age is ?
  10. At present, A is 3/5 times as old as B. At present, sum of A's age and B's age is 80. 10 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be ?

  1. At present, ratio of Meena's age and Kamla's age is `3:5`. At present, sum of Meena's age and Kamla's age is `80`. 10 years hence, ratio of Meena's age and Kamla's age will be ``?
  2. At present, ratio of Father's age and Son's age is `6:1`. 5 years hence, ratio of Father's age and Son's age will be `7:2`. At present, Father's age and Son's age is ``?
  3. At present, Ram is `2` times as old as Shyam. 10 years ago, Ram was `4` times as old as Shyam. At present, Ram's age and Shyam's age is ``?
  4. 2 years ago, Father was `6` times as old as Son. 18 years hence, Father will be `2` times as old as Son. At present, Father's age and Son's age is ``?
  5. 10 years ago, Father was `3` times as old as Son. 10 years hence, Father will be `2` times as old as Son. At present, Father's age and Son's age is ``?
  6. At present, A is `4` times as old as B. 5 years ago, A was `9` times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ``?
  7. At present, difference of A's age and B's age is `20`. 5 years ago, A was `5` times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ``?
  8. 1 years ago, sum of A's age and B's age was `48`. 5 years ago, A was `7` times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ``?
  9. At present, ratio of A's age and B's age is `3:11`. 2 years hence, difference of A's age and B's age will be `24`. 3 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be ``?
  10. At present, ratio of A's age and B's age is `3:4`. 10 years ago, A was `1/2` times as old as B. At present, A's age and B's age is ``?
  11. At present, ratio of A's age and B's age is `3:5`. At present, sum of A's age and B's age is `80`. 10 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be ``?
  12. At present, A is `3/11` times as old as B. 2 years hence, sum of A's age and B's age will be `46`. 3 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be ``?
  13. 1 years ago, difference of A's age and B's age was `5`. 1 years hence, sum of A's age and B's age will be `25`. 6 years hence, ratio of A's age and B's age will be ``?

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