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Interval notation and set builder notation
A = , x `in` , x is
  1. `3 <= x <= 7`
  2. `[2,8)`
  3. `(2,8)`
  4. `[-oo,oo)`
  5. `(-oo,1)`
  6. `(1,oo)`
  7. `1,2,3,4`
  8. `1,2,3,4,...`
  9. `1,2,3,4,...,10`
  10. `...,1,2,3,4,...`
  11. `5 < x < 15`, x `in` N
  12. `x <= 5`, x `in` N
  13. `x >= 40`, x `in` N
  14. `3 <= x <=7`, x is odd
  15. `3 <= x <=7`, x is even
  16. `x^2 <= 10`, x `in` N
  17. `x^2 <= 5x`, x `in` N
  18. `x^2-1 < 10`, x `in` Z
  19. `|x^3-2| <= 25`, x `in` Z
  20. `|x-1| < 2`, x `in` N
  21. `|x| <= 1`, x `in` Z
  22. `x^2-3x-4=0`

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