Home > Algebra calculators > Antilog calculator | Antilogarithm calculator

Method and examples
Antilog calculator | Antilogarithm Calculator
1. Logarithmic equations
Enter expression
  1. `log(x)+log(y)`
  2. `log(x)-log(y)`
  3. `2log(x)+3log(y)`
  4. `log(20)+log(30)-1/2log(36)`
  5. `log(100)`
  6. `log(1)`
  7. `log_(3)5*log_(25)27`
  8. `log_(9)27-log_(27)9`
  9. `log_(b)a*log_(c)b*log_(a)c`
  10. `log(a^2/(bc))+log(b^2/(ac))+log(c^2/(ab))`
  11. `1/log_(xy)(xyz)+1/log_(yz)(xyz)+1/log_(zx)(xyz)`
  12. `1/(log_(a)(bc)+1)+1/(log_(b)(ac)+1)+1/(log_(c)(ab)+1)`
  13. `1/log_(3)60+1/log_(4)60+1/log_(5)60`
  14. `log_(2)(log_(2)(log_(2)(log_(2)(65536))))`
  15. `25^(log_(5)4)`
  16. `log_(10)2x=1`
  17. `log(98+sqrt(x^2-12x+36))=2`
  18. `log(x)+log(1+x)=0`
  19. `log(x+1)+log(x-1)=log3`
  20. `log_(4)x+log_(2)x=6`
  21. `log_(10)(log_(10)(log_(10)(x)))=0`
  22. `log_(2)(x+1)=log_(3)27`
  23. `log_(2)(x^2-6x)=3+log_(2)(1-x)`
  24. `log(x^2)-log(x-1)=10`
  25. `log_(2)(x+1)=log_(8)(3x)`

2. Antilog calculator | Antilogarithm Calculator
X =
Base = (10, e, ...)
  1. antilog(1), base=10
  2. antilog(1), base=5
  3. antilog(1), base=e

Decimal Place =

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