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3. BCD Subtraction using 10's complement example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Example `984-599`
  2. Example `983-187`
  3. Example `599-015`
Other related methods
  1. BCD Addition
  2. BCD Subtraction using 9's complement
  3. BCD Subtraction using 10's complement
  4. Excess 3 Addition
  5. Excess 3 Subtraction using 9's complement
  6. Excess 3 Subtraction using 10's complement

2. Example `983-187`
(Previous example)
4. Excess 3 Addition
(Next method)

3. Example `599-015`

For 599 and 015, Find BCD Subtraction using 10's complement

`599-015` BCD subtraction using `10's` complement

Steps for BCD subtraction using `10's` complement
For `A-B`

1. Take `10's` complement for B

2. Add it to A using BCD addition
3. If addition is invalid BCD then add 6
4. If carry then add it to the next bits
5. In final result, if carry is occured then it is ignored and if
there is no any carry over, then take `10's` complement of the result and it is negative.

1. Take `10's` complement for `015`

Note : 10's complement of a number is 1 added to it's 9's complement number.

Step-1: 9's complement of 015 is obtained by subtracting each digit from 9


Step-2: Now add 1 to the 9's complement to obtain the 10's complement :
984 + 1 = 985
2. Add `599` and `985` using BCD addition

BCD code for 599 : 010110011001
BCD code for 985 : 100110000101

Addition : 1110100011110
If Invalid BCD then add 6 : 011001100110

Addition : 101001011110100

Remaining bits except carry : 1010001110100
Carry : 11

Addition : 1010110000100
BCD value : 1584

The left most bit of the result is 1, called carry and it is ignored.
So final answer of BCD Subtraction is `584`

This material is intended as a summary. Use your textbook for detail explanation.
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2. Example `983-187`
(Previous example)
4. Excess 3 Addition
(Next method)

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